Title: The Elementals
Genre: Horror
Publication Date: 1981
Number of Pages: 218
Geographical Setting: Alabama, USA
Plot Summary:
The Savage and McCray families have been coming to
Beldame for years and, after a rather disturbing funeral, such a vacation is
much needed. The three Victorian houses are the sole structures of the split
off Alabama’s Coast and the easy going atmosphere will help get their minds off
their troubles. The third house has been void of humans for years, and has been
slowly taken over by an eroding sand dune. But the third house isn’t vacant.
Something is there, something they don't like to think about, and it’s lurking
in the shadows of the sand. It’s killed in the past and it’s looking to kill
Foreboding tone- Throughout the book every mention of “the third house”
causes the tone of the story to change. Compared to the easy going feel of the
rest of Beldame, the parts mentioning the eerie third house feel menacing and
the reader continuously feels the climax rising.
Monsters- These monsters are some of the worst kind- unknown. Mystery
surrounds them and not much is ever reviled. The reader begins to wonder what
lurks in their own shadowed corners.
Storyline- If you’re looking for a story that ends happily, don’t pick up
this one up. With nothing being resolved, The
Elementals leaves the reader with unease and unsure what will happen to the
Similar Authors and Works:
Amityville Horror by Jay Anson: A haunted house based on real events.
George and Kathleen Lutz have just bought a house for a bargain, but they didn’t
account for the previous owners sticking around.
This House is
Haunted by John Boyne: This house has an ominous presence. Eliza Caine has
come to be a governess, but she may have to deal with more than children.
Enter, Night
by Michael Rowe: A small town with a secret. Not a haunted house, but follow
the characters as they search out the towns mystery, and discover a monster.
Wonderful annotation! I like your little discplaimer about the end. I hate ambiguous endings! Full points!